Q I N - Quantum Intuitive Nose

QIN is not an alien, it is the simplified representation of the Quantum nature of Humans and their intuition.
A good intuition is usually expressed with “having a good nose that smells the environment“.
Most scientists believe that the odor of a molecule is defined by its shape, size, and weight which bind selectively on receptors existing in our nose. However, this cannot explain why different molecules can smell the same, or why similar molecules smell differently from each other. This contradiction was only explained by pointing out that every molecule has a distinct set of vibrations and these could also be detected by the nose’s receptors.
In the Quantum world, Objects resist the classical concepts of “ position “ and “ speed“, Particles are waves and waves are Particles and the act of observing seems to change the system subject of observation.
But what if we could develop a “Quantum intuition” that makes all this seems natural and that generates a quantum Generation living in the Artificial Intelligence era?