Introduction to Health Education

“Healthy children are better learners”, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC said.
In today's diverse classrooms, some students face unique health challenges while others enjoy robust health. Thanks to medical and technological advances, many children with chronic health conditions and physical challenges can now learn alongside their peers, thanks in part to the inclusive education concept.
However, achieving this inclusivity requires the cooperation of all teachers. They must not only provide rigorous academic materials but also support students with special health needs throughout the school day.
Are our teachers aware of their evolving role and responsibilities? This introductory course aims to raise teachers' awareness of the vital role they play in promoting healthy behaviors and supporting students with common chronic diseases.
Who is this course for? It's designed for every K-12 educator, regardless of background. Whether you teach elementary, middle, or high school, this mini-course will equip you with valuable insights into your partnership responsibility in creating a healthy and safe classroom environment.
Reasons to take this course
- Reshape your role and career as an educator
- Assess your students' understanding of health concepts
- Train yourself to model healthy behavior for your students
- Recognize the importance of professional development in health education
- Assess your school's health culture and address barriers to implementing health initiatives
- Rethink your relationships with students and school staff
- Understand your school's integrated health programs and policies
- Actively participate in achieving Sustainable Development Goal SDG 3
What's included in this course? This free mini-course consists of five lessons, each with enabled discussions for engaging with instructors and fellow learners. Quizzes at the end of each lesson reinforce learning, while downloadable handouts and templates help you apply knowledge in practical ways.
By signing up for this course, you'll also receive a free membership to the QIN platform community, enabling you to attend events and join discussions about health education and related topics. Join us in empowering educators and promoting holistic well-being in the classroom. Sign up today and be part of the movement toward healthier schools and communities.