

K-12 Education

The Power of Pause: Embracing Technology with Mindful Breaks for Creativity Incubation

 “The one who plants trees, knowing that he will never sit in their shade, has at least started to understand the meaning of life.” - Rabindranath Tagore

Drawing from Tagore's wisdom, technological development is not merely a product of our time but the culmination of centuries of progress. From the days of Pythagoras, Leonardo da Vinci, Newton, Descartes, Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Albert Einstein, and countless others, the current state of "technological development" is a testament to their contributions, both known and unknown. 

In particular, we will focus on a ubiquitous tool that stands at the pinnacle of technological innovation: the smartphone. This device transcends age, social class, and geography, becoming an integral part of daily life for virtually everyone. 

I am fortunate to have witnessed the evolution from traditional landline telephones, connected by a web of wires, to mobile phones with antennas, then without antennas, and finally to smartphones with touch screens capable of running various applications. These apps range from social media to banking, shopping, health monitoring, and controlling equipment like cameras, printers, lab refrigerators, and other laboratory devices. 

This innovation has transformed every individual into a digital citizen. It has gained popularity even among older generations who grew up with rotary phones or public phone booths. I recall a story my professor shared about his time studying in France in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Communication with family back then involved either writing letters that took months to arrive or making costly, occasional phone calls. Students considered it lucky to get a turn on Radio Monte Carlo to send live greetings to their parents. Today, foreign students can talk to their families as soon as they land, simply by connecting to Wi-Fi, and can even make live video calls at any time. 

The smartphone is the result of diverse inputs—scientific, aesthetic, health, and social. It has not only facilitated social communication across distances but also revolutionized commerce and economic activities. Through various apps, people can shop, advertise, and conduct banking transactions 24/7. Business-to-business (B2B) inquiries are increasingly shifting from desktops and laptops to smartphones. Educational platforms have also adapted, offering courses accessible on smartphones, enabling learners to watch lectures while commuting or during breaks at work.

Smartphones allow continuous monitoring of smart environments, whether at home, in the lab, or in the office. Additionally, experts on social media—health coaches, psychologists, and others—offer education and advice to people who might not otherwise seek professional guidance. This democratization of information means that anyone can be educated and aware of global happenings. However, we must take responsibility for filtering the information we consume and share. 

Imagining a world without technology is easier than envisaging an AI-dominated future. Our grandparents, who lived in technology-free villages, often enjoyed longer lives and spent much time in nature, free from distractions. What we may consider wasted time, they saw as moments of observation—an essential part of research and discovery.

These peaceful times were often periods of creativity. In her book “The Creative Fire,” the psychologist Clarissa Pinkola Estés recounts a story about the impressionist painter Monet. When a neighbor commented on seeing him resting in his garden, Monet replied that he was working. Later, when he was busy painting, the same neighbor assumed he was working, but Monet said he was resting. This story illustrates the rhythm of work and rest, where moments of quiet contemplation are vital for creativity.

Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” We have all experienced losing track of time while engaged in an enjoyable activity. Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi calls this state "flow"—a state of complete immersion in an activity. Flow is not just for creative professionals; athletes, chess players, and engineers often experience it as well.

In the Blue Zones, where technology is almost absent, people achieve longevity through daily habits that help them reach a flow state, contributing to long and happy lives. This state is similar to the state a mathematician working on a formula or a surgeon performing an operation, reaches. When in flow, the mind is focused, the body is in harmony, and the overall system is healthy and capable of self-repair.

Today's challenge is maintaining focus amid constant technological distractions. We often multitask, thinking it saves time, but scientific evidence suggests otherwise. Our brains can process only a few dozen pieces of information per second, despite receiving millions of bits. Multitasking is essentially rapid task-switching, which can reduce efficiency and effectiveness.


K-12 Education

Explainable AI in Education

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a ubiquitous force in various industries, and education is no exception. While there are ongoing debates on the impact of AI in education, Explainable AI in Education (XAI-ED) has emerged as a transformative paradigm that offers several benefits that could revolutionize the educational landscape.

Understanding XAI-ED Framework

It is necessary to make Artificial Intelligence (AI) understandable in education. Just revealing how AI works isn't enough. Educational stakeholders including technologists, researchers, learners, parents, teachers, educational administrators, and policymakers, with diverse and often different needs, all want educational benefits of AI that must also be accountable and trusted (Khosravi et al., 2022).

The XAI-ED framework serves as a guiding tool that provides a comprehensive structure for the study, design, and development of educational AI tools. It consists of six key aspects, namely: stakeholders, benefits, approaches, models, designs, and pitfalls. These aspects create a robust foundation for understanding the current state-of-the-art and identifying potential challenges in the development of educational AI tools.

Empowering Educators

XAI-ED introduces a groundbreaking approach to decision-making for educators. By providing user-friendly tools that improve accountability and reliability, educators can make well-informed and transparent choices. The inclusion of comparison methods, Natural Language Processing (NLP) functions, and co-design strategies simplify educational workflows, encouraging effective and responsible teaching strategies. As a result, educators will experience improved accountability and trust, leading to the smooth integration of AI-driven insights in the educational system.

Fostering Student Empowerment

Incorporating Explainable AI (XAI) in education through an interactive workshop for students has numerous benefits. XAI-ED can promote AI literacy and offer local explanations, making it easier for students to understand AI processes. It also places a strong emphasis on user experience, which can lead to heightened engagement in the learning environment. This dynamic and participatory educational experience helps to foster curiosity and critical thinking skills. However, it's important to address challenges such as potential dysfunctional behavior to maximize the positive impact on students.

The example of using XAI concepts in an engaging and accessible manner, such as through an interactive story and game using Scratch (Alonso J.M., 2020), showcases the tangible impact on student empowerment. By participating in building self-explainable classifiers, students not only understand the basics of XAI but also gain a sense of agency and confidence. This hands-on approach demystifies the complexities of AI processes and makes it more accessible to students. Online resources further democratize access to XAI education, making it adaptable to various learning environments, including webinars and e-learning.

Therefore, integrating XAI into education empowers students by providing them with practical skills, a deeper understanding of AI, and an inclusive and accessible learning experience.

Enhancing Research Capabilities for Educational Researchers

Educational researchers are finding that XAI-ED provides them with greater agency. By adopting example-based approaches and content-based recommender systems, researchers can customize AI systems to align with their unique research objectives. This customization enhances the relevance and effectiveness of AI technology in addressing the distinctive challenges and needs of educational research. XAI-ED has become a powerful tool for researchers, allowing them to conduct more targeted and impactful studies, contributing significantly to the ongoing enhancement of educational methodologies and practices.

Collective Impact on Teaching and Learning

The collective impact of XAI-ED benefits suggests a transformative future for teaching and learning. Educators can anticipate more efficient and data-driven decision-making processes, leading to improved instructional strategies. Students, on the other hand, will experience a more personalized and engaging learning journey, with AI technologies seamlessly complementing traditional educational approaches. Educational researchers, armed with advanced AI tools, are encouraged to conduct studies that are not only impactful but also contribute to the continuous improvement of educational practices.


To conclude, XAI-ED is not just a technological advancement; it's a catalyst for positive change in education. The benefits it brings to educators, students, and researchers underscore its potential to redefine the future of teaching and learning. As XAI-ED continues to evolve and overcome challenges, its transformative impact on education becomes increasingly apparent, promising a harmonious integration of artificial intelligence into the educational ecosystem.


Khosravi, H., Shum, S. B., Chen, G., Conati, C., Tsai, Y., Kay, J., Knight, S., Martinez-Maldonado, R., Sadiq, S., & Gašević, D. (2022). Explainable artificial intelligence in education. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 3.

Alonso, J.M. (2020). Teaching explainable artificial intelligence to high school students. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 13(1), 974–987.


K-12 Education

Unlocking Educational Potential: Utilizing Smartphones for Learning

In today's world, smartphones have become an integral part of our daily lives. Students tend to use these devices from an early age, sometimes with or without explicit permission from their parents. Instead of imposing a complete ban on smartphones in schools, it is important to acknowledge their potential as powerful tools that can significantly improve the learning experience and help students develop digital literacy skills.

1. Bridging Theory and Practice: Practical Integration of Smartphones

Practical experiences affirm that the integration of smartphones into the learning environment not only prepares students for the demands of the digital age but also provides educators with the opportunity to guide and monitor their digital experiences effectively. For instance, during language acquisition activities, students can leverage specialized language applications, exploring and learning new languages beyond the confines of formal language classes. Incorporating smartphones into education goes beyond language acquisition, extending into mathematics and science, enriching the learning experience. Here are some examples:

  • Exploration and Acquisition: Language applications empower students to explore and acquire new languages beyond traditional language courses.
  • Interactive Vocabulary Apps: Engaging applications facilitate vocabulary expansion through interactive and personalized learning experiences.
  • Language Immersion Apps: Immerse students in real-life language scenarios, enhancing practical language skills.
  • Pronunciation Apps: Tools that focus on pronunciation, aiding students in refining their language-speaking abilities.
  • Cultural Exploration Apps: Apps that provide insights into cultural nuances, enriching language learning with contextual understanding.
  • Language Exchange Apps: Facilitate conversational practice by connecting students with native speakers or language learners worldwide
  • Interactive Geometry Apps: Allow students to manipulate shapes and explore geometric concepts dynamically.
  • Graphing Calculator Apps: Facilitate intuitive graphing and analysis of mathematical expressions.
  • Real-world Problem-solving: Measurement apps empower students to apply math outdoors, calculating distances and angles.
  • Virtual Experiments: Smartphones enable students to conduct virtual experiments and explore scientific concepts.
  • Physics Exploration: Motion sensor apps visualize principles of motion, acceleration, and force.
  • Chemistry Labs: Virtual laboratories allow students to experiment with chemical reactions in a controlled digital environment.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) in Mathematics: AR apps visualize geometric shapes in the physical environment, making abstract concepts tangible.
  • Biological Observation: Identification apps turn outdoor excursions into opportunities for biological exploration, fostering a deeper understanding of science.

Incorporating smartphones into humanities, mathematics, and science education provides a dynamic, interactive learning experience, equipping students with essential digital skills, cultural understanding, and practical language skills, and fostering a deeper understanding of these subjects.

2. Flexibility and Enrichment: Empowering Learning with Diverse Resources

Empirical evidence (Liu, 2023) attests to the popularity of smartphones among students, emphasizing their inherent appeal. The incorporation of mobile devices offers flexibility and widespread access to a diverse array of educational materials. Smartphones serve as gateways to cloud technology, artificial intelligence tools, and various applications, thereby enriching the teaching and learning process. This isn't just a theoretical notion; practical experiences underscore the effectiveness of smartphones as educational tools.

3. Igniting Creativity: Fostering Exploration through Practical Examples

Beyond recreational activities, smartphones provide a constant and versatile tool that supports both outdoor and indoor exploration, igniting creativity in students. For example, in scientific endeavors, students can actively engage in practical exercises, such as recording temperature variations during snowy days, fostering research skills and scientific critical thinking without the constraints of traditional lab hours.

4. Nurturing Artistic Talents: Unleashing Creativity in Arts and Culture

Moreover, artistic interests can be cultivated through immersive experiences in arts and culture applications, architectural tools, and the discovery of potential career interests. This practical approach not only allows students to explore their creative inclinations but also provides a permanently available tool for artistic expression, both inside and outside the classroom.

5. Enhancing Engagement: Encouraging Collaboration and Community Building

The intuitive tools available on smartphones not only encourage learning but also facilitate communication and engagement within communities that share similar interests, whether within the same class, school or beyond. Practical experiences affirm that collaborative learning environments are enhanced through the seamless integration of technology, promoting a sense of belonging and shared exploration among students.

6. Revolutionizing Learning Resources: Diversifying Access with Videos and Audios

Furthermore, integrating mobile phones into the educational landscape allows teachers to diversify students' learning resources. Teachers can curate and provide access to a wealth of videos and audio that students can refer to at their own pace and convenience, both inside and outside the classroom. This dynamic approach enhances the overall learning experience, catering to various learning styles and preferences.

7. Revolutionizing Assessment: Transformative Approaches to Evaluation

Moreover, in the context of assessment practices, traditional methods often fall short of providing a comprehensive understanding of a student's abilities. Recognizing these limitations, technology-driven assessments offer a transformative approach, allowing students to demonstrate not only their knowledge but also their ability to apply it in real-world scenarios.

8. Iterative Learning: Instantaneous Feedback for Continuous Improvement

Through technology, assessments provide instantaneous feedback, fostering an iterative learning process. This feedback mechanism enables students to understand their strengths and areas for improvement in real-time. Practical experiences demonstrate that this immediate feedback loop contributes to more effective learning outcomes, allowing students to actively engage in their educational development.

9. Multifaceted Skill Development: Beyond Traditional Assessments

Traditional assessments often focus on a narrow set of skills, but technology-driven assessments encompass a broader range, including critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and collaboration. This practical approach aligns more closely with the multifaceted demands of the contemporary world, nurturing a diverse skill set essential for success in the digital age.


Adopting alternative assessment methods that leverage technology is a crucial step toward creating a more inclusive, dynamic, and effective education system. By integrating these methods, we can not only equip students to face the challenges of the future but also ensure that their learning experiences are truly transformative. Smartphones, in essence, are not just devices but also catalysts for innovation, exploration, and the continual evolution of education.


Liu, R. (2023). Analysis of multimedia technology and mobile learning in English teaching in colleges and universities. Nonlinear Engineering, 12(1), 78–1683.


K-12 Education

Tips to help schools differentiate learning and create a positive impact

Without a doubt, the impact of education goes beyond the simple acquisition of writing, reading, and basic mathematical skills. It has evolved into a platform that fosters meaningful interactions between teachers and students, instilling a sense of purpose in life. What sets us apart from machine learning is our inherent quest for meaning. To empower students at this profound level, a strategic action plan involving teachers and students is essential.

To achieve these transformative outcomes, the following action plan is proposed:

A. Authenticating Learning through Real-Life Experiences and Connections

  1. Art Integration and Project-Based Learning

·         Incorporate art across various subjects to stimulate creative expression and wonder.

·         Implement project-based learning to enable students to create meaningful projects, fostering a sense of accomplishment.

2.      Reflective Practices and Wonder Journals


·         Introduce wonder journals for students to record questions, observations, and moments of awe.

·         Integrate reflective practices to deepen students' sense of wide-awakening and self-awareness.

B. Cultivating Self-Awareness and Learning from Real-Life Experiences

  1. Guest Speakers, Role Models, and Mindfulness Practices

·         Invite diverse guest speakers and role models to share life experiences covering a range of professions.

·         Facilitate discussions on lessons learned from challenges and successes, including documentaries about historical figures.

·         Introduce mindfulness practices for enhanced self-awareness and stress management.


  1. Differentiated Learning Experience:

·         Acknowledge and support students in pursuing personalized learning paths aligned with their aspirations.

·         Foster a growth mindset by praising effort and perseverance over innate abilities.

·          Connect personal growth to larger aspirations for a positive impact.

C. Transforming One's Perspective and Mentality Toward Challenges

  1. Challenging Classroom Scenarios and Sustainability Education

·         Present challenging scenarios to promote critical thinking.

·         Encourage a positive attitude towards setbacks as opportunities for problem-solving.

·         Integrate sustainability education to instill responsibility and solutions-oriented thinking.

D. Adopting a Mindset and Conduct that Support Larger and Optimistic Objectives

  1. Purposeful Lesson Planning and Values Integration

·         Align lessons with overarching themes related to truth, aspiration, goodness, and respect for cultural heritage.

·         Emphasize the relevance of classroom content to students' lives and societal contexts.

·         Infuse ethical discussions and values education into daily lessons. 

  1. Community Engagement in Health and Well-being Programs

·         Establish connections with the local community to demonstrate interconnectedness.

·         Organize community service projects to promote caring and moral commitment.

·         Implement comprehensive school health education programs to address holistic well-being.

To effectively facilitate learning, teachers should be prepared with the necessary knowledge and skills. However, possessing specific traits is equally important. Teachers should exhibit patience, empathy, and good communication skills to create a positive learning environment. They should also be able to adapt to the needs of their students and use various teaching strategies to accommodate different learning styles. Overall, teacher preparation and displaying specific traits are essential for successful implementation of effective teaching and learning:

Embracing Authenticity and The Importance of Being True to Oneself

·         Encourage students to explore their identities, values, and beliefs.

·         Model authenticity in teaching and decision-making. 

Aiming for Ambitious Targets

Here are some strategies to guide students attain objectives:

·         Support students in setting and pursuing aspirational goals aligned with their interests.

·         Highlight examples of individuals who have achieved greatness through aspiration.

Guiding Towards Ways to Achieve Social Responsibility

·         Foster a sense of social responsibility and encourage students to contribute to the greater good.

·           Integrate discussions on ethical action and societal impact into the curriculum.

To conclude, the development of the education system requires a comprehensive approach that incorporates genuine life experiences, mindfulness, personalized learning, and community involvement. Teachers have a vital role in promoting authenticity, setting high goals, and directing students towards social responsibility, thereby equipping them for a fulfilling and meaningful life outside of school.


K-12 Education

Reimagining Teaching: A Journey to Fulfillment and Innovation

As the holiday season comes to an end, teachers return to the rhythm of their school days with new hopes and resolutions. Stepping back into the classroom, some feel excited to reconnect with their students and inspire young minds, while others may feel stuck in old patterns and seek fulfillment in searching for alternative careers. Let's pause for a moment and take a closer look at this scene.

Regardless of how you spent your holidays, let's view this time as a fresh starting point to address our discontent from its roots. This prompts a series of introspective questions: Why am I here in this role? Did I consciously choose to become a teacher? What drives my work, and does it align with my aspirations?

Answering these questions demands courage and honest self-reflection. The path to becoming a teacher often unfolds for various reasons. Graduates in fields like Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, or Humanities may find themselves unexpectedly drawn towards teaching, perhaps when other career paths seemed inaccessible.

This unexpected trajectory can create an internal conflict, a silent struggle between personal aspirations and the opportunities that unfold post-education. This anxiety sometimes reflects in interactions, especially with students, impacting the classroom atmosphere and inadvertently influencing the teacher-student dynamics.

However, within this seeming mismatch lies an opportunity for both educators and students to redefine their journeys. This intersection of dissatisfied mentors and eager minds presents a chance for mutual growth. Today's evolving world, characterized by adaptability, challenges the traditional notion of a static career, giving way to a continuous need for upskilling and adaptation.

The education sector is no exception. This isn’t to undermine the significance of teaching but to advocate for deeper engagement—a deliberate pursuit of self-improvement beyond prescribed roles. Educators must see each day as an opportunity for intentional growth, transcending predefined expectations.

While professional development sessions might not always fulfill each teacher's specific interests and needs, the pursuit of personalized growth often yields more fulfilling results. It's crucial for educators not just to guide learning but also to curate their learning journeys. This involves infusing their distinct perspectives, passions, and interests into the educational landscape, fostering an environment rich with creativity and individuality. By taking ownership of their continuous learning, teachers not only enhance their expertise but also inspire students through their diverse experiences and unique insights, creating a classroom where curiosity thrives and each individual's potential is celebrated.

Leading by example becomes crucial in this educational journey. Teachers, as perpetual learners exploring new territories, inspire a legacy of continuous growth. This symbiotic relationship between lifelong learners and eager students perpetuates a progressive society.

The challenge is to avoid the monotony of a predetermined role and embrace each day as a chance for deliberate self-improvement. Teachers aren't just conveyors of knowledge; they're innovators fostering curiosity and creativity. Picture a physics teacher integrating art into lessons, discovering the potential to design useful objects, inspiring not only students but also themselves to explore entrepreneurship. Or imagine a language teacher creating a digital documentary, and discovering their ability to become a producer, etc.

Through this metamorphosis, teaching transcends its boundaries, creating an educational experience that fosters enlightenment, innovation, and empowerment for teachers, students, and society.

Ultimately, teaching offers educators a profound choice: to find contentment within teaching or to pursue their initial dreams. Regardless of the direction chosen, this journey allows them the freedom to explore, learn, and evolve. This juncture in education becomes a station and a pivotal chapter in their ongoing quest for fulfillment and self-realization.

As we explore the transformative power of teaching, have you considered how your evolving journey as an educator shapes not only your students' lives but also your path toward fulfillment and self-realization?

Read also Expected or unexpected? Teachers in the eyes of their students


K-12 Education

Do You Know Your Students?

As the school year progresses, teachers find themselves meeting with parents for feedback sessions. Every student is unique in the eyes of their parents, and these guardians have an unparalleled insight into their children's strengths, weaknesses, and uniqueness formula. However, for educators tasked with managing a classroom of 20 or more diverse learners, establishing individual connections can be a formidable challenge. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of the educator-parent feedback dynamic, exploring the difficulties teachers face and offering a roadmap to overcome them.

 The Challenge of Providing Accurate Feedback

Teachers are often confronted with the task of truly getting to know each student on a personal level within the confines of limited time.

Feedback, while well-intentioned, can occasionally be influenced by a student's behavior during a singular class, leading to potentially inaccurate or incomplete insights.

Inaccurate or hastily delivered feedback can inadvertently sow seeds of misunderstanding and concern among parents, creating unnecessary tensions.

Replacing "Are You Talking About My Child?" with "Do You Know Your Student?"

Rather than responding defensively to potentially surprising feedback, the question that should be asked is, "Do you genuinely understand your student?"

To respond to this question objectively, we must craft a quantifiable map based on discernible qualitative criteria.

A Qualitative Map to Decipher the Students' Potential

Grounded in the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, students are recognized as having the potential for excellence in various domains.

The foundation for understanding each student holistically lies in constructing a quantifiable map founded on observable and measurable criteria.

For instance, consider a student who exhibits comfort when engaging with language and words, alongside a penchant for language-related games like wordplay. In all likelihood, this student possesses linguistic intelligence. Another learner, who derives immense enjoyment from solving jigsaw puzzles, mind games, and mathematical challenges, showcases strong mathematical intelligence. While students who enjoy playing music, be it in their minds or with peers, distinctly exemplify musical intelligence. Further, some students take a keen interest in the harmonious blend of colors and artistic arrangements, manifesting their spatial intelligence. Then, there are those whose nature is restless, marked by constant dynamism, and a preference for movement, such as tapping or fidgeting when seated; this behavior signals strong bodily kinesthetic intelligence. Another group enjoys the constant company of others, seldom seeking solitude, which is a manifestation of interpersonal intelligence. In contrast, students who are introspective and value their private inner world are an embodiment of intrapersonal intelligence. Finally, some students find solace in the natural world, collecting specimens from nature like plants, shells, rocks, and more, signaling their naturalist intelligence.

Unlocking the Keys to Each Student

Once educators unlock these fundamental keys to understanding each student, they find themselves halfway towards the resolution of the challenge.

Armed with this knowledge, they can establish more authentic and transparent channels of communication with parents.

In addition, teachers can tailor their teaching methods to provide a differentiated learning experience that resonates with each student individually and actively engages parents in their children's educational journey.


Every student is a unique tapestry of strengths, weaknesses, and potential. By recognizing and embracing the diversity within the classroom, teachers can create an inclusive, enriching learning environment. In future articles, we will delve into more specific strategies and ideas for effectively engaging and teaching this wonderfully diverse array of students. It is through this recognition and appreciation of the individuality within the classroom that we can inspire and uplift every student on their educational journey.